We provide the detail below in the hope it gives you a sense of enthusiasm and comfort when you choose to worship with us for the first time.

Please Come As You Are

We have a wide range of attire, from blue jeans and t-shirts to dresses, coats, and ties. We want you to come however you are comfortable.


Easy and close free-parking is available. All of our services are held on the first floor of our building. We also have restrooms available in the parish hall, just outside the nave (our worship space).

A Warm Welcome

Ushers and other parish members welcome you as you enter the building, with a smile and a full-text bulletin.

Young Children

Children are always welcome in worship, no matter their age! A Kiddie Corner is located in the main sanctuary during services. There is also a nursery with toys and books available at all times. We love and encourage children in worship.

The Worship Service

While a full-text bulletin is provided, as an Episcopal parish, the pattern of our celebration of Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion) and of Morning Prayer come from the Book of Common Prayer. If you are new to the Episcopal faith tradition we invite you to learn more about us: here

After Service Socializing

Immediately following our 10am Sunday Service we invite you to coffee hour, where we join in fellowship to enjoy coffee, snacks, and treats in the joy of each other's company.

May you depart, nourished and fed, knowing God loves you, no exceptions. May you be empowered to serve God, near and far. We hope to see you again soon!

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