“God is calling the community of St. Peter’s Parish to live, worship and serve according to Christ’s word and example.”

-St. Peter's Mission Statement

Opportunities for Service at St. Peter's

Our mission is to bring our neighbors to unity with God. We do that the way Jesus told us to do it, by going out to actively care for one another, not just in our church community, but in our neighborhood, in our town of Bennington, and in the world.

There are many opportunities to serve at St. Peter's. If you are interested in joining these efforts, please contact the church at [email protected].


Acolytes carry candles, light and extinguish candles, carry banners, carry the cross, hold the Book of Gospels, serve the celebrant during the Holy Eucharist, and become leaders for the congregation in worship experiences. Recruiting and training of new acolytes occurs throughout the year. These are wonderful opportunities for children over eight years old. 

Altar Guild 

The Altar Guild assists the clergy in preparation for liturgical celebrations. Members of the Altar Guild are responsible for the care of the vessels, candles, linens, hangings, vestments, and decorations for the Holy Eucharist and for special services. Altar Guild members serve on a rotating schedule.

Eucharistic ministers

Eucharistic Ministers are lay people who administer the chalice of wine during communion. Eucharistic Ministers are licensed by the Diocese.

Intercessors and Lectors

Lectors/Intercessors are lay people who read the designated scripture and lead the Prayers of the People during worship.

Pastoral Care

Our Pastoral Care ministry supplements the pastoral care given by our Priest. This is an opportunity for baptized Episcopalians to live out their baptismal vow that makes each person a minister. From preparing food to prayers, there are many areas to serve. 

Worship Team

Members of this team participate in worship training and receive licenses to lead worship. Some attend Sermon Camp and are licensed to preach. The team has provided the congregation with a variety of services in the absence of a priest – Celtic service, Morning Prayer, Ante Communion services, and Healing services.


The vestry is the legal representative of the parish with regard to all matters pertaining to its corporate property.  In early 2022 the Bylaws of St Peter’s were changed to state the Vestry shall consist of not fewer than three (3) and no more than twelve (12) members serving a 3-year term on a rotating basis. Election(s) shall ordinarily take place at the Annual Meeting, but whenever it is deemed necessary or desirable, such election may take place at a special Parish meeting, properly convened, of which due notice has been given to the voting members of the Parish.

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