Our mission is to Live, Worship and Serve
According to Jesus' Word & Example
St. Peter's
One of our core principles is discernment: the listening to and for God in all that we do.
These days, the majority of Episcopalians weren't raised in the Episcopal faith tradition. Inclusivity for us isn't just lip service, it's about truly helping all find a home here.
St Peter's has been a cornerstone of the Greater Bennington community since its founding in 1834. We strive to stay deeply connected to our town and community.
St. Peter's is parish of the Episcopal Church, the Anglican Communion, and prayerfully steeped in the Book of Common Prayer.
St Peter's is in constellation with St James in Arlington, Vermont. We not only share our priest, but we work side-by-side in formation, learning, and other spiritual practices.
St. Peter's has a rich history embracing the liturgical revival of the Oxford Movement. Our architecture and worship embrace the English Protestant and Anglo-Catholic charisms.
Whether you're an introvert or an extrovert, new to the Episcopal faith or been part of it your whole life,
we look forward to getting to know you!
- Presiding-Bishop Michael Curry
Formed as a “Middle Way”, the Episcopal Church combines the best of the Roman Catholic and Protestant traditions, ensuring consistency of structure and worship, but allowing for individual conscience. Over the years, the middle way has become a way of being as a denomination, helping us to open wide to people of all walks of life. Know that whoever you are, you are beautifully and wonderfully made.
1st and 3rd Sundays of the month:
8:00 am - Morning Prayer (Rite I)
10:00 am - Morning Prayer (Rite II) - also available via Zoom/Livestream.
2nd and 4th Sundays of the month:
8:00 am - Holy Eucharist (Rite I)
10:00 am - Holy Eucharist (Rite II) - also available via Zoom/Livestream.
5th Sundays, Holy Days, and Special Occasions:
9:00 am - Holy Eucharist (Rite II) - also available via Zoom/Livestream.
Daily Prayer on Zoom: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Mornings @ 8:30 am
Daily Morning Prayer through Zoom
[click here to join]
Mid-Week Mass with Healing: Wednesdays @ 12 noon
Holy Eucharist with Healing Oils and Laying on of Hands
Contemplative Evening Prayer: Wednesdays @ 5:00 pm
Contemplative Prayer followed by Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina
Join us for Holy Eucharist
Both the 8 & 10 am services are Rite I for the season of Lent
8 am - Said Service (no music)
10 am - Choral Service (music)
The 10 am service will also be available via zoom.
A coffee hour follows each service.
Join us for Holy Eucharist
5th Sunday Service
9 am - Choral Service (music)
The 9 am service will also be available via zoom.
A coffee hour follows each service.
Join us for Morning Prayer
8 am - Rite I
10 am - Rite II
The 10 am service will also be available via zoom.
A coffee hour follows each service.
Join us for Palm Sunday!
9 am - Choral Service (music)
The 9 am service will also be available via zoom.
A coffee hour follows each service.
St Peter's Episcopal Church is a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Vermont and the Episcopal Church.